Fall Getaway is our first conference of the year, and is an exciting time of spending a weekend with our students from different colleges. After a super busy first 6 weeks, both we and the students couldn't wait to get away to learn about the Lord, and spend time growing! An exciting part of the conference this year was being on the team that put the conference on this year. For the past 2 years, Reece and I were learning and just lending help in random places, but this year we were able to help plan and lead the conference...it was lots of fun!

God is so good to use our efforts in this conference each year. This morning when we met with the students to debrief what they learned this weekend, it was awesome to hear students experiencing the Lord and considering how to bring the Gospel to their campuses. Above is me with Heather, a senior at Western Carolina University at Fall Getaway. She has been so faithful, and is excited about growing in her faith. She's been especially teachable, which has been so encouraging!! It's so special to see God at work in our students.

Above are almost all of our students who came with us to Fall Getaway. We had students from Western Carolina, UNC-Asheville and Montreat! Thanks for praying for us as we do ministry. It's been such a blessing!!