For me (Stephanie) this will be my first overseas mission trip and also my first time overseas! I'm a little nervous--especially about the plane flight because I tend to get a bit motion sick when I fly, so please pray for me tomorrow.
Just FYI, our blog will be the main way we keep in touch throughout the summer since we won't have access to phones. We'll probably get sporadic internet access as well, so we'll update as soon as we can! Thanks so much for your prayers and for keeping up with us this summer!
sweet action yall! We're praying for you and we love you!
Seems like we just sent you off to New York. What a fast paced year. We'll lift you up while you're in Sweden and looking forward to reading the progress.
I know! It seems like we were just getting ready to head up to NYC! I am pumped for you guys! God is going to do big things over there.
I'm praying for awakening.
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