Jacob with Grammy and Grandy Love at the hospital

Reece, Jacob and Grandma and Papa Johnson

Reece, Jacob and I when we arrived home from the hospital! Jacob wore the outfit Reece wore home when he was a baby...so sweet!
So, Jacob is 1 month old and I'm just now getting on our blog to announce that he has arrived! Jacob Cameron Johnson was born on December 9th, 2009....7 lbs and 14 oz! He is the most precious baby we've ever met! (...of course we're pretty partial!) It's hard to believe that he is already 1 month old....he has already changed quite a bit and looks just like Reece! What a lucky little guy!
Since coming home from the hospital we have been so thankful to get to be home, getting adjusted to life for the past month. Jacob is amazing and lets us sleep a good bit...we are really thankful for that! I'll update more pictures and news as it happens!